
Cover Reveal, Prologue Release AND Game Player on sale for 99c!!!

Title: Game Maker
Series: Game Series #2
Author: BJ Harvey
Genre: Romantic Comedy with Heat
Release Date: May 26, 2016
Cover Designer: Najla Qamber Designs
Photography by Lindee Robinson
Photography Models: Victoria Morin & Chad Demchick

From the USA Today bestselling author of the Bliss series comes a new spin off series featuring your favorite Bliss series characters who are yet to meet their match. This time it is Zach and Danika’s turn.

I’m a gamer by nature and by profession. I’m all about strategy, performance, and coming out on top.

Five months ago I threw caution to the wind, and in the first miscalculated step of my twenty-one-year life, I made a move on my brother’s best friend.

The first mistake we made was keeping our relationship secret. The next was going off half-cocked when a train wreck of epic proportions hit us.

Now our secret is secret no more. As I struggle to deal with all of the swirling emotions, conflicted feelings, and the multitude of burned bridges that I need to mend, the one person who can help me through it all is the same man I need space from.

To fix it I’ll have to pull on my big-girl panties, focus on what I truly want in life, and put everything I have into winning the most important game I’ll ever play.

Life is a game, and it is what you make it.

Coming out unscathed is a whole other matter.


“Yes,” I moan, grinding down against him. 

“Fucking beautiful,” he says gruffly against my skin, his lips brushing my neck. His breath comes hard and fast in time with the upward thrusts of his cock, and I feel my orgasm barreling toward me.

“Feels so good,” I pant. His hand tightens around my back and his fingers zero in on my wonder button, stroking with expert precision and making my pussy clench around him. My body contorting as if it’s possessed. 
“Jesus. Fuck,” Zach growls, planting his feet on the bed and thrusting up one last time before following me over the edge as he pours himself inside of me. 

We collapse backwards, my legs falling limp on the way down, and together we lie there, chests heaving, bodies stuck together, struggling to catch our breaths. 

“Every time is better than the last,” he murmurs in my ear, sucking my earlobe into his mouth afterwards. I whimper and my muscles spasm as aftershocks course through me. Shifting sideways, I stay draped over him, my fingers drawing mindless circles in the smattering of hair on his damp chest. 

“What’s on the agenda today?” he asks, his hand running through my hair, roots to ends. 

“Team meeting at eleven, lunchtime conference call with the west coast programmers at one, then I get to go play.”

“Such a geek.” He chuckles. I jerk my head up and I narrow my eyes at him. He just smirks, and my twitching lips give away how uncommitted I am to the death stare aimed his way.  

“Your geek.”

“You better fucking believe it,” he replies with conviction, his arm hooked around my waist, giving a meaningful squeeze. 

“I know it, firebug.” 

Now he out-and-out grins. “Never going to live it down, am I?”

I push up with one hand on the bed so that my head hovers over his, our lips just an inch apart. “Never,” I whisper. “But that’s okay. I still love you.”

His entire body goes still and my eyes go wide as realization hits me. Way to go, Dani. Freak him out why don’t you.

My brain catches up with my body and flight mode kicks in. I move quickly, rolling backwards and scrambling off the bed. Making a smash-and-grab attempt, I scoop up my clothes scattered over his bedroom floor, but the first step toward escape is hampered by an arm wrapping around my waist. 

I fall back and slam into his naked chest, my entire body going still at the contact. 

“Wait a minute, Dani. You can’t say something like that then fly out of here like a bat out of hell.”

“Bats like hell. They live there.”

“They live in caves. Stop trying to change the subject.”

Deciding that redirecting this inevitable conversation is the best plan of attack, I continue. “I really have to go, Zach. I’ve still gotta go home, shower, get dressed, and then get to work.”

“It’s only six, and you just told me your first meeting isn’t till eleven.”
“I’ve got a lot of stuff to do before then.”

“I’ll drive you home and to the office if it means you’ll turn around. I wanna look in your eyes when I tell you I love you back.”

For the second time in as many minutes, my heart stutters to a halt. There’s no way in hell I’m in flight mode now. 

Seven years ago, I fell in teenage girl love with Zach Cooper, my older brother’s roommate and best friend. 

Five months ago, I fell into adult insta-lust with him the night I told him what I wanted. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t imagined what it would be like to hear him say those three little words. 

What I didn’t know was that just a few days after one of the best moments in my life—one of those ones you know you’ll remember forever—everything would be turned upside down. 

And there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it.

BJ Harvey is the USA Today Bestselling Author of the Bliss Series. She also regards herself as a smut peddler, suspense conjurer and a funny romance thinker upper.

An avid music fan, you will always find her singing some hit song badly but loving every minute of it.

She’s a wife, a mom to two beautiful girls, and hails from what she considers as the best country in the world—New Zealand.


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Game Maker (Game #2) Releasing May 26th 2016

If you’re a fan of the Bliss series and especially for readers of Game Player, you’ll be waiting with baited breath for the release of Zach and Danika’s story in Game Maker, the second book in the new Game Series.


The cover reveal for Game Maker will be held on May 16th and the book will release on or (maybe slightly before – you know what I’m like with releases) May 26th.

Bloggers – If you’d like to sign up to help share the cover reveal and release, please sign up here

Everybody – To sign up to my Game Series mailing list to see the cover, and get an alert on any new Game series releases, please sign up here

Now for the good bit.

I was tagged in a post on Facebook to share part of my work in progress, and since Game Maker is the last book I finished writing and Game #3 has started but is kind of top secret right now *wink wink* I shared some of Game Maker – in particular, some of Dani’s adorkable conversation with Zach

“Whoa, what’s the rush?” Zach muses and I turn around slowly to face him.

“Nothing,” I reply with a shrug, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible when in fact I’m anything but. “It’s just been a long day and I’m thirsty. Parched even. I’m just going to go get another one. Do you need another one?” My whole speech sounds like a dictation tape playing at triple speed. His ice blue eyes dance with amusement and my cheeks heat up as mortification sinks in.

Dorky Dani strikes again. 

Maybe that could be the name of the next Star Wars parody film. I bet it would make millions from people watching my complete and utter humiliation in front of the man I’ve wanted to kiss, touch, and do other stuff with since I was fourteen. Yeah, instant blockbuster there.

“I wouldn’t want you keeling over from dehydration. Let me escort you to where the liquid sustenance is kept,” he teases and damn if it doesn’t make him even hotter.

I scowl, making his smile grow wider, the dimple on his right cheek making an overdue appearance. If I thought I was warm and gooey before, that look has ruined me for all other men.

No word of a lie, Henry Cavill could walk up to me right now and pledge a life of love, fidelity and superhero orgasms and I’d happily say ‘no thank you Sir, I’m happy as I am.’


Game Maker can be preordered through iBooks right now HERE
Add to your Goodreads TBR HERE

May 26th – The baby Roberts sister will take the biggest risk she’s ever taken in her 21 year life and make a move on her beloved big brother’s best friend. What could be better than that??

And what’s a Game book without some Mama Roberts’ advice?

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Game Player (Game #1) releases in 3 days time – New Bliss Spin off Series

Title: Game Player
Series: Game #1
Author: BJ Harvey
Genre: Romantic Comedy with Heat
Release Date: March 23, 2016
Cover Designer: Najla Qamber Designs

From the USA Today bestselling author of the Bliss series comes a new spin off series featuring your favorite Bliss series characters who are yet to meet their match.
Matt Taylor’s motto:
“I’m the king of the cut ‘n’ run. I wine them, dine them, then slide inside them, making sure I get up, get dressed and get out before they can even utter the words second date.”
Mia Roberts’ motto:
“I’m queen of the chase. I meet them, greet them, date them and leave them. A social butterfly, I’m happily single and happy to stay that way.”
The players have been found.
The challenge has been set.
Whatever happens, they’ll soon find out that playing the game can get you played in the best possible way.

“Of all the books I’ve read from BJ (and I’ve read them all), this is my favorite.” – Tease Me Designs

“I devoured every word in one sitting, and can’t wait to see where Ms Harvey takes us next.” – BJ’s Book Blog

“One, if you had a piece of meat – however whorish he may be – in your bed, I’d hope you wouldn’t answer your phone. And two because as hot and juicy as that piece of meat may be, you know the moment you sink your teeth into it, you’re gonna be fucked, one way or another.”
“Wouldn’t mind being fucked,” I mutter. My mind instantly giving me an action packed – and unfortunately short – mental replay of my momentous fuckup last night with Matt. His hands burning through my dress, the taste of him on my tongue, the feel of his hard cock pressing into me…

“Just go part the pink sea and have a one-finger hate-hug with your vagina,” she says, matter-of-factly.

I make an exaggerated gagging noise. “Do not say the word vagina.”

“Why can’t I say vagina, vag, vaaaagiiiiiiinnnnnaaaaa,” she starts to sing.

I can’t stop the giggle and don’t even try because Natalie singing about the business end of lady town is just hysterical. When I can finally compose myself, I explain. “That word is so … so … it’s just eww. Pussy, beaver, minge, foo-foo, punani, snatch; all of that is fine. But vagina, nuh-uh.”Now Nat laughs at me which in turn just makes me smile. I scooch down the bed and snuggle deeper into the mattress to get comfortable.

“And I don’t hate my hoohaa so why would I be giving it an abusive finger-bang?”

“You’re right. You might damage yourself and then you’d never get anywhere near the infamous Mini WD” Matt was named ‘Mini Walking Dildo’ by my friend Mac since he is Noah’s little brother and Noah is the original ‘Walking Dildo’ – well before he met my sister that is.

“True story,” I reply.

“Exactly. You don’t need your downtown to be out of order. You never know when the next big train might come rolling in.”

BJ Harvey is the USA Today Bestselling Author of the Bliss Series. She also regards herself as a smut peddler, suspense conjurer and a funny romance thinker upper.

An avid music fan, you will always find her singing some hit song badly but loving every minute of it.

She’s a wife, a mom to two beautiful girls, and hails from what she considers as the best country in the world—New Zealand.


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Game Player is just over 5 days away!!

Game Player – the first book in my new Bliss spin off series – releases March 23rd and features all your old favorite characters and introducing new ones. As always, they’re interconnected standalones and can be read by themselves. 

Game Player (Game #1) focuses on Matt “Mini WD” Taylor and Mia Roberts. 


“My best pick up line?”

“Yep. Hit me with it,” I goad. 

“You sure you can handle it, Matty boy?”

I chuckle at the challenge. “Bring it on, Legs.”

“Still don’t get the legs thing,” she mutters. 

“It’s because every time I see them I imagine them wrapped around my head.”

She chokes down the phone and then the line goes eerily quiet. 


“I’m here. Just hitting pause on that mental image and saving it for later.” Now it’s my turn to swallow my tongue. 

“Jesus, woman. Warn a guy before you throw out the Viagra lines.”

“What?” she says, choking down laughter. 

“Words like that take a man from floppy to stabby in zero point five seconds.”

“What can I say, it’s a gift.”


Pre-order available at all retailers

Amazon US – http://amzn.to/1XKOQf8

iBooks – apple.co/1Rma0h8

B&N – 

Kobo – 

Google Play – 

Add to your TBR here – Game Player

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Game Player (Game #1) Cover Reveal and Preorder Links – Releases March 23rd 2016

Title: Game Player
Series: Game #1
Author: BJ Harvey
Genre: Romantic Comedy with Heat
Release Date: March 23, 2016
Cover Designer: Najla Qamber Designs

From the USA Today bestselling author of the Bliss series comes a new spin off series featuring your favorite Bliss series characters who are yet to meet their match.

Matt Taylor’s motto:
“I’m the king of the cut ‘n’ run. I wine them, dine them, then slide inside them, making sure I get up, get dressed and get out before they can even utter the words “second date.”

Mia Roberts’ motto:
“I’m queen of the chase. I meet them, greet them, date them and leave them. A social butterfly, I’m happily single and happy to stay that way.”

The players have been found.

The challenge has been set.

Whatever happens, they’ll soon find out that playing the game can get you played in the best possible way.

“One, if you had a piece of meat – however whorish he may be – in your bed, I’d hope you wouldn’t answer your phone. And two because as hot and juicy as that piece of meat may be, you know the moment you sink your teeth into it, you’re gonna be fucked, one way or another.”
“Wouldn’t mind being fucked,” I mutter. My mind instantly giving me an action packed – and unfortunately short – mental replay of my momentous fuckup last night with Matt. His hands burning through my dress, the taste of him on my tongue, the feel of his hard cock pressing into me…

“Just go part the pink sea and have a one-finger hate-hug with your vagina,” she says, matter-of-factly.

I make an exaggerated gagging noise. “Do not say the word vagina.”

“Why can’t I say vagina, vag, vaaaagiiiiiiinnnnnaaaaa,” she starts to sing.

I can’t stop the giggle and don’t even try because Natalie singing about the business end of lady town is just hysterical. When I can finally compose myself, I explain. “That word is so … so … it’s just eww. Pussy, beaver, minge, foo-foo, punani, snatch; all of that is fine. But vagina, nuh-uh.”Now Nat laughs at me which in turn just makes me smile. I scooch down the bed and snuggle deeper into the mattress to get comfortable.

“And I don’t hate my hoohaa so why would I be giving it an abusive finger-bang?”

“You’re right. You might damage yourself and then you’d never get anywhere near the infamous Mini WD” Matt was named ‘Mini Walking Dildo’ by my friend Mac since he is Noah’s little brother and Noah is the original ‘Walking Dildo’ – well before he met my sister that is.

“True story,” I reply.

“Exactly. You don’t need your downtown to be out of order. You never know when the next big train might come rolling in.”

“My best pick up line?”
“Yep. Hit me with it,” I goad.
“You sure you can handle it, Matty boy?”

I chuckle at the challenge. “Bring it on, Legs.”

“Still don’t get the legs thing,” she mutters.

“It’s because every time I see them I imagine them wrapped around my head.” 

She chokes down the phone and then the line goes eerily quiet.


“I’m here. Just hitting pause on that mental image and saving it for later.” Now it’s my turn to swallow my tongue.

“Jesus, woman. Warn a guy before you throw out the Viagra lines.”

“What?” she says, choking down laughter.

“Words like that take a man from floppy to stabby in zero point five seconds.”

“What can I say, it’s a gift.”

BJ Harvey is the USA Today Bestselling Author of the Bliss Series. She also regards herself as a smut peddler, suspense conjurer and a funny romance thinker upper.

An avid music fan, you will always find her singing some hit song badly but loving every minute of it.

She’s a wife, a mom to two beautiful girls, and hails from what she considers as the best country in the world—New Zealand.


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