Boy meets girl, boy wins girl, boy nails girl -- boy’s gone by morning.
Boy meets girl, boy wins girl, boy nails girl — boy’s gone by morning.
I think for sure it must’ve been a dream because there’s no way a guy could look like that, sex like that, be so in tune with me, and then just disappear leaving me with nothing but a good story to tell my friends.
When he walks into my bar three months later, everything I thought I knew and what we’d had disappears in the blink of an eye and the blinding light of the three-carat diamond on his fiancée’s hand.
What’s worse, his fiancée is my high school nemesis, her father is my new boss, and his best friend now spends most nights in my bed.
It seems what I thought was a dream is now my most complicated reality, and I’ve got absolutely no idea how to fix it – or if I even want to.