Cover Design: BJ Harvey and Najla Qamber Designs

WHAT: Wild and Windy in the City Event
WHEN: September 8th, 2018
WHERE: Westin O’Hare Rosemont
Tickets go on sale 09/02/17 at 7pm CST
VIP (10-4): $30 Early Entry and Tote with Swag
(You can only buy 2 VIP tickets at a time)
GA (11-4): $20 Includes Tote
Friday Night: $10 Includes Q/A Panels-M&Gs-DJ-PhotoBooth-Cash Bar-Vendors (Schedule and Exact Times TBA)
Warning VIP Tickets sold out in 10 minutes last year.
NOTE: Even if you arent sure you can attend we recommend grabbing tickets, as they may sell out quickly. You can always sell them if you no longer need then.
Room Code will be available at a later date. Rooms are $129/night
You may not know that I had every intention of Game Ender being the last book in the series…. but then my head-which is a scary place at the best of times-came up with the story idea for Cameron and Sarah (their story The Loop: Game Breaker is in the Love in Transit anthology which you can purchase HERE. It’s also in KU.)
So Game Breaker (Cam’s story) is officially Game #5 so that should be enough right?……………..
I did say my head was a scary place right…………….
I gave in to demands and Natalie and Jason (Matt and Mia’s best friends from Game Player) are getting their story told. It’s going to be a little different in that we already know how they got together but we don’t know what happened in between times and most importantly, after. So Game Planner is Nat and Jase’s story and I’m aiming for a November release for that one (life, creativity and work load dependent as always).
See the Game Series on Goodreads
THEN 2018 is shaping up to be the year of the Cook… as in Abi’s brothers Jamie, Jaxon, Bryant and Cohen. Four single alphas let loose in Chicago. Can you imagine it? More info coming soon 😉
In between times, I’m currently writing a brand new book called One Shot which is set in a new city with new characters. There’s no connection whatsoever to Bliss, Game, Lost, Crave, or Touch (phew! that’s a mouthful) The story is also turning out to be a little most angsty than my norm but as always I’m always aiming for funny, sexy, cool… I’m just adding a bit of grrrrrrr in there this time. Look out for an August release 😉
One Shot Blurb
Boy meets girl, boy wins girl, boy nails girl — boy’s gone by morning.
I think for sure it must’ve been a dream because there’s no way a guy could look like that, sex like that, be so in tune with me, and then just disappear leaving me with nothing but a good story to tell my friends.
When he walks into my bar three months later, everything I thought I knew and what we’d had disappears in the blink of an eye and the blinding light of the three-carat diamond on his fiancée’s hand.
What’s worse, his fiancée is my high school nemesis, her father is my new boss, and his best friend now spends most nights in my bed.
It seems what I thought was a dream is now my most complicated reality, and I’ve got absolutely no idea how to fix it
Comment below with your Game series cover color ideas, I need all the help I can get because I’m running out of colors!!!